
star_cluster class


Cluster identifier, photometry and parallax observations

A star_cluster instance is created from the input data. For this object, various methods are available for performing the various pre-processing and computation steps necessary for the full pipeline of the isochrone extraction. In short, the workflow is as follows:

  1. Compute a Color-Magnitude diagram and transform it using Principal Component Analysis star_cluster.create_CMD (quick ‘n’ dirty version available as well).

  2. Create a weight-map from the observation uncertainties star_cluster.create_weights.

  3. Tune hyperparameters for Support Vector regression and save the best results star_cluster.SVR_Hyperparameter_tuning and gridsearch_and_ranking.

  4. In case the hyperparameters have already been determined: star_cluster.SVR_read_from_file.

  5. Extract a single empirical curve star_cluster.curve_extraction.

  6. Resample a large number of curves from bootstrapped cluster data star_cluster.resample_curve.

  7. Calculate the median and uncertainty bounds star_cluster.interval_stats.

The last three steps can be called simuntaneously using the star_cluster.isochrone_and_intervals method.

Further star_cluster functions

Subsidiary functions called by the star_cluster class object.

Empirical isochrone reader

Function for reading in the empirical isochrones saved for each cluster and for creating a master-table containing all results for the empirical Archive.


Function that converts the raw .csv input files into pd.DataFrames and only retains the necessary columns. It is automatically called to do this transformation for 8 different catalogs in the main script, so that they may just be imported into the various python scripts by their variable name or the variable name of the list.