Welcome to EmpiricalArchive’s Documentation!

This is the main documentation for the EmpiricalArchive for generating purely observation-based isochrones for nearby open clusters.

Indices and tables

my_tools Module

Collection of small utility and plotting functions vital for core functionality of the code.

Extraction Module

Centerpiece of the code, responsible for the generation of empirical isochrones, from pre-processing of the observational data, extraction and bootstrapping of isochrones in every desired Color-magnitude combination, to storing the results and creating summary tables.

Isomodulator Module

Module for computing the influence of various parameter uncertainties (edge cases) on the shape of the cluster CMD distribution and therefore on the reported empirical isochrones. It mainly serves as a quantification for the reliability of the observation-based isochronal curves.

EmpiricalArchive has its documentation hosted online on Read The Docs.


Alena Rottensteiner


1.0.0 of 2024/01/20