
The IsoModulator module contains the simulated_CMD class, as well as further supplementary functions. The simulated_CMD class is allows users to provide a sample empirical isochrone as well as uncertainty values for the parameters:

  1. parallax

  2. unresolved binary fraction

  3. field contamination fraction

  4. extinction level

Based on the input values and the position of the provided isochrone, a CMD is simulated and a new isochrone is calculated.

simulated_CMD class


Cluster name or identifier, empirical isochrone, cluster CMD data

Using the input data, a class object is generated. It consists of N_clustermembers synthetic stars placed along the originally calculated empirical isochrone, which are assumed to reside at the mean cluster distance. After determining the simulated_CMD.CMD_type(), where

  • 1: Gaia BP-RP vs. absG

  • 2: Gaia BP-G vs. absG

  • 3: Gaia G-RP vs. absG,

the parameter uncertainties can be added iteratively to the synthetic star data. Using the method simulated_CMD.simulate(), a new isochrone is computed using the normal Extraction routine, and can be compared to the original one using various metrics.

Further functions

Subsidiary functions called by the Simulated_CMD class object.